Public webinar 8.september 2020

Department of Political Science and Management and the Center for Digital Transformation (CEDIT) at the University of Agder (UiA), Norway, in collaboration with School of Business and Tourism at the Southern Cross University, Australia would like to invite you to a public webinar on «Network Governance and Digital Technologies in a Covid-19 world» on Tuesday, September 8, 2020.
This public webinar precedes a conference on Governance and Complex Networks in Times of Turbulence and Digital Transformation, so gathering scholars and practitioners working across multiple topics provides an unprecedented opportunity for developing new research collaborations and partnerships, including interdisciplinary ones. The conference is endorsed by two Special Interests Groups (IRSPM) - Complexity and Network Governance and Connecting Public Management Researchers and Practitioners for Improved Outcomes.
The webinar is free of charge, but you have to register in advance to get access to zoom. More information about event and registration here.