TAD16: Call for papers

June 9-11, 2022: Strategic Management of Public Sector Transformation in Turbulent Times: Enhancing Collaborative Governance and Co-creation of Public Value
Roskilde University, Denmark (in association with Rutgers, the US)
Deadline for workshop abstracts March 1 2022
The Transatlantic Dialogue (TAD) is the Ryders Cup of public administration where American and European public administration scholars meet to discuss and challenge each other and exchange theoretical perspectives, methodological strategies and empirical findings. In 2022, TAD16 is hosted by the Department of Social Sciences and Business at Roskilde University, Denmark. The main theme of TA16 will be "Strategic Management of Public Sector Transformation in Turbulent Times: Enhancing Collaborative Governance and Co-creation of Public Value". Under this theme, TAD16 will organize a broad range of workshops led by pairs of American and European scholars. There will also be several keynote speeches, a roundtable discussion of public governance responses to COVID-19 and an interesting social program.
Keynote speakers
Professor Jacob Torfing, Roskilde University
Professor Tina Nabatchi, Syracuse University
Professor John Bryson, Minnesota University
Important dates
April 1st 2022: Deadline for abstracts
April 15th 2022: Feedback to participants
May 1st 2022: Deadline for registration
June 1st 2022: Paper upload